Dang dang D - A - N - G !
我emo的方式很特别吧。。一大堆的甜言蜜语不断地溢出来。。乱乱惹人家生气。。乱乱点人家的短处。。嗯。。你们最好远离我。。我自己也控制不到自己的情绪 ^_____^
明天就是 D-day 了。。
过后的我,还可以开开心心的哼着歌曲吗? -3-
Penny’s first audition
2 years ago
I laugh, I love, I hope, I try, I hurt, I need, I fear, I cry. And I know you do the same things too, so we’re really not that different, me and you.
O' Rose,Though I dont understand the fun and fame part but show her what you feel/wrote man.
A beauty like your name,
Though sometimes, you're hard to tame,
But thoughts about you always come,
Always telling me to stay calm.
That I want you not for fun or fame,
Like thought by some,
But for you taking me
As who I just am,
And resists that I, at times, am troublesome,
Hence, to you, my heart always the same,
Same, always the same.
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